2023 Visits to Clinical Research Facilities - UK & Ireland

Following on from successful UK Study Visits, we are delighted to invite IACRN members to travel to the UK this summer. We hope you will take this wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues from around the world, learn about the our clinical research infrastructure, and attend our engaging and interactive national UK Clinical Research Facility conference. Read about the previous IACRN UK Study Visit
2023 AGENDA:
- Spend two days at a clinical research facility (4 – 5 July)
- Travel to Nottingham, joining other IACRN visitors for an evening meal (6 July)
- Attend the UKCRF Network Annual Conference and Gala dinner (7 – 8 July)
- Use opportunities for reflection during the study visit to consider your contribution to the development of international clinical research nursing
- Improve your awareness and understanding of alternative approaches to clinical research delivery in the context of different research systems
- Identify opportunities to share and network best practice in clinical research nursing
- Share the findings of your study visit with international colleagues using a range of media
- You will be hosted at a clinical research facility from across the UK and Ireland (host locations include Edinburgh, Dublin, London, Norfolk, Birmingham, Cambridge, Sheffield and Southampton, across a wide range of specialties).
- Attend a complementary dinner with all visitors and UK clinical research leaders.
- Attend the UKCRFN Annual Conference where we share best practice in clinical research and experimental medicine. The conference is well attended with over 400 delegates, high profile speakers, interactive workshops, and a gala dinner with entertainment, lunch will also be provided.
- The whole programme is designed to improve awareness and understanding of alternative approaches to clinical research delivery in the context of different research systems.
- The study program will be free of charge to visitors.
- Visitors are expected to fund and make their own arrangements for travel, accommodation and some of their own meals.
Applications have closed for this program. Contact the UKCRF Network with question: ukcrf.network@nihr.ac.uk
2021 International Virtual Visits
Dear Friends,
I am delighted we can share these videos of IACRN's International Virtual Visits. These took place in May 2021 between International Nurses Day and International Clinical Trials Day. I was so proud to attend all of them- which proved a struggle at times due to time zones. You will see my tired old face more often that I realized and I am truly very sorry for that! But even when I thought I would join to just support the start of a session, I found it impossible to leave. I thought each one was amazing and could not be improved. Surely it was "the best yet!" -and then I thought the same thing about the next one and the next! The standard of presentations, -the commitment and engagement shown by nurses around the world was a joy to behold. Having reviewed them again over the past month, I now see the full extent of this project and what was achieved in its totality. It is a remarkable accomplishment and brings together expertise and insights in our specialty practice into an extraordinary portfolio of excellence.
I laughed and cried and learned so much. I am sure you will enjoy them as much as I did. I want to thank all of the leaders who planned, coordinated, and hosted each session and all their colleagues who took part in this unique, collaborative event. Thank you to Cameron Sze and Claire Whitehouse for the edits, the YouTube links, taking part and their patience with this tech challenged friend!
Thank you all so much!
Jennifer Allison, President IACRN
Click the YouTube links below to view the videos.
UK and Ireland Branch
May 19th Session 1: https://youtu.be/8cxgPjqzgLo
May 19th Session 2: https://youtu.be/Q1SND-kFYfk
May 19th Session 3: https://youtu.be/O_UvDmlvpUc
May 20th Session 1: https://youtu.be/OHZb0DN2tHQ
May 20th Session 2: https://youtu.be/VJthsCOeuOI
May 20th Session 3: https://youtu.be/L_AxiItzC9s
Shanghai: https://youtu.be/A0tXtpzCJRU
Taiwan: https://youtu.be/llQRONZv0GI
Rocky Mountain: https://youtu.be/gcilj1XnQUA
Ohio: https://youtu.be/LwxeijKXMYo
Japan: https://youtu.be/D8fCzbFsg1E
Boston: https://youtu.be/QcsO6aHJ0M8
New Zealand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Q9hunCJqI
Australia: https://youtu.be/rCvR4oMc-cQ
Wisconsin: https://youtu.be/ZDHKbkmxDyU |